Friday, June 19, 2009

Information Technology as part of our daily existence

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As to start off, Information technology for me, ever since, created a big impact in the business world like it has been used many times widely for diverse purposes. These said purposes appear to be really essential by way of everyone’s existence specifically in the world of industry. Well, this matter might somehow give me hint/dea on the advantages we may possibly acquire through considering IT as an element of our daily life. Besides, it would really provide us a wide range of knowledge that we may have to apply as business management students. Of course, it’s not just about those people who are in the field of computers but also to those who were running businesses along with wanting themselves to stand-out over the others. Given the link above are the people who are known for being an expert in providing strategic management advisory services and continuous insights.

Well, I am already concluding as if I know a lot about the topic when in fact it is really a big thing for me. It seems like I need to broaden up my intelligence in order to further expand my ideas prior to the subject matter.

Information Technology covers a wide range of ideas which can be really helpful in any business fields like outsourcing and others. These days information technology involves more than just computer literacy; it also takes into account how computers work and how these computers can further be used not just for information processing but also for communications and problem solving tasks as well.

Unfortunately, I’ve read the article “Business Intelligence: Actionable Insights for Business Decision Makersand “The Interview of CIO Magazine with Clayton Christensen on the idea of disruptive innovation” -- it was stated that, Companies that are able to effectively harness the copious amounts of information IT systems generate will have the inside track on the competition: gaining better understanding of customer needs, identifying trends earlier, and using resulting lead time to capitalize on opportunities. More to these are the competitive advantages that a business should have: Value proposition which aims to have a decision based on FACTS, not just opinions or conjecture in order to really pursue specific goals. Simplicity and relevance which I think, data or decisions don’t have to be complicated hence what important was that there is enough knowledge and there is a tight teamwork between the business unit and IT department. Agility in which business must have its own original IT design that has to be flexible, responsive to change and somehow allows the IT organization to focus on providing more value-added services. Integration is very important because this is where data is gathered and structured. Also, here is where data is processed, stored in the production system and then eventually extracted -- at most, daily --- into a data warehouse into a linear sequence. Payoff is when business organizations should choose simple and relevant business intelligence solutions that are more likely to uphold competitive advantage in a constantly changing world. In the end, business should look ahead and make the most out of their decisions in order to truly stand-out and have the GUTS to be more competitive.

Moving on, for me, IT delivers many advantages to the organization that manages it effectively. From cost savings and improved productivity to greater business intelligence and decision-making capabilities, every organization can benefit from IT. However, these days, business is putting great pressure on Information Technology to cut costs and deliver even more business value. To add up on that idea, we all know that Information Technology can be costly because it deals with software’s which you can only acquire at a very high cost. Yet, if a business knows how to manage IT well, then there’s a greater chance that a business could stand-out and finally be more competitive.

As you may notice, our world today has changed an immense deal with the aid of information technology. Things that were once done manually or by hand have now become computerized operating systems, which simply require a single click of a mouse to get a task completed. It can be helpful in our chosen industry which is Government Corporation” wherein governmental entities are choosing to outsource their information technology needs. Instead of doing their jobs manually, they could keep records of the people like in Phil. Health Insurance Corporation, SSS and other government related corporations. Not only that, Information Technology could be a lot of help in communicating and giving up the latest information directly to customers via internet. I know some of you can relate like in school. Back then, library is very useful but nowadays, you would notice that only few uses library for home works & research ever since Information technology became part of our daily living. In addition, with the help of IT we are not only able to stream line our business processes but we are also able to get constant information in 'real time' that is up to the minute and up-to-date.