Sunday, August 23, 2009

Reality Within Web Analytics

“Many advanced analytics solutions allow you to track conversions, goals, revenue, expenses, etc. These solutions aren't for the faint of heart; they're designed to provide detailed metrics to make decisions on the best way to make improvements.

Eversince the start of my existence, I never really attempted to look for web analytics definition – not even its simplest meaning. Never did I come up w/ questions such as; “what was it?”, “how it works?” and “what benefit we could get from it?”. It just started when our professor in Data Mining class, Sir Ramon Duremdes, opened up our mind into reality within WEB analytics.

Going deeper into details..

What does WEB ANALYTICS do?

Basically, it is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. Well, those italicized words are really the main purpose of web analytics which actually made its definition more broad and prĂ©cised. Let’s go through it one-by-one to make it more understandable.

MEASUREMENT could be defined in terms of extent and quantity. By this, you should know some of the more commonly used terms and what they mean. Understanding these terms in Web analytics will insure that you know what you're measuring and what information you don't have. Just like HITS. “Hits” is probably one of the most used terms in Web analytics. See. But unfortunately, it's also one of the most incorrectly used terms in Web analytics. According to wikipedia, a hit in Web analytics is: "any request for a file from a Web server". This means that every request that is made to a Web server can be considered a hit. To understand further, requesting auxiliary files like CSS or Ja
vaScript are all counted as hits. COLLECTION, well web analytics involves data which is a collection of raw facts.

DATA + another DATA =
collection of ideas

All data must be collected and put together in just one shoe box then after gathering or collecting, might as well get into ANALYSIS. Those collected data must be analyzed thouroughly in order to come up with a best decision. REPORTING is the last and most important among all root definitions. This is where you choose and decide which part should be implemented and be given actions.

One basic example is BLOGGING.

You will simply be asked to create your own account similar with any other networking sites.

Blogging is the best way to generate ideas/ thoughts. You don't need to waste an ink and paper just writing down everything that's going on in your mind. All you have to do is type and there -- everyone can hava access.

However, you have to know what is working, what isn’t, and what trends will make your site the next “must read” stop for visitors each day. The only way to effectively do this is to have a good statistics package working in the background. However, figuring out which package is best for your site can be tricky.

Until your site starts earning some revenue, you’re best starting off with something free. Then, as your site grows, you may want to pay for a few more features. If you’re really lucky, you’ll start off with a free package that can grow with you, and it may be the only package you’ll ever need.

So.. how do web analytics get in?

Pertaining to the tools, well, here is one of the preffered tool yet most known and useful:



Google Analytics is arguably the most popular analytics package available for individual site owners. Google Analytics (or plain old “GA”) allows you to dig down deep into your stats to see breakdowns of individual regions, states/provinces, cities and numerous other items to better identify your site visitors. The wealth of data available is admirably balanced by a well-executed user interface, but it can still be overwhelming.

Going back to the report that was assigned in our group which is "Quality Analysis" can somehow be essential by means of monitoring and tracking customer's behavior.

Lab Usability Testing.

By this, you will could measure your customer's ability in performing certain task. In order for them to complete whatever tasks were given to them, they are allowed to use different websites and softwares and it's up to them to decide which one is better.

Site Visits.

This tool is actually home-based or office-based. A researcher and other stakeholders will go directly to their customer's house and observe, while doing so, they could conduct interview. This would help them monitor the performance of their clients in real-world environment.

Heuristic Evaluations.

This is where you mimic. You do whatever your customers do. You get to experience their experiences. This is where you could analyze every possible mistakes of your customers because you don't just sit down and OBSERVE, however, you base your judgements on your experience.


Surveying is the most, let's say, common. We do this a lot of times in order to get feedbacks and decide which of the following ideas are the best.


Philippine Health Insurance actually has their own so-called "website" wherein customers could check the possible latest informations offered by the company itself. Web analytics can have a better role in the company like appaying some of its basic tools like GOOGLE alerts. As recommended by our group (health insurance), they must atleast create their own blogsite in order for them to have a good flow of business. How possible would that be? Well, company and customers interaction is very important. The thing is, it should not be just one-sided. The company don't just do their thing alone, they don't just want to achieve their objectives by setting out goals. However, they must consider the other side (which is "the customers"). Everything should epend on customer's wants and needs. Once they create a blog, they will have a better interaction. With that, google analytics will take its place. It's not just the REPUTATION itself. Thus, going back to the definition of WEB ANALYTICS, it refers to measurement, collection, analysis and reporting. Once you generate the code, you can paste it directly on the html of the blogsite and there --- analysis, collection, measurement and reporting will finally take place. They can now monitor their customer's performances. The more customers who visit, the greater amount of those individuals who are interested in the company.