Thursday, July 30, 2009

Online Reputation as Part of Human Ego

"A good REPUTATION is more valuable than money..."

You've spent a lot of time building up your reputation and image both online and off, so it's important to make sure that someone isn't out there dragging it through the mud.

As you all become aware of, “Online reputationis crucial in diverse purposes specifically in line of business as well as students. It can also be summed up through a wide range of ideas. For those who can’t relate, online reputation is an aspect in any online community where trust is merely important. It affects a pseudonym rather than a person. Agree? Well, Concern over reputation is sometimes considered a human fault, exaggerated in importance due to the fragile nature of the human ego. Let’s go deeper...

We all agree that everyone has their own social networking site which they are mainly active on. Like, eversince they start schooling it has been part of their daily routine. Let's conclude that reputation is part of it either GOOD or BAD.

As discussed by our group (health insurance), reputation is not only an important thing one must have in order to survive in any case. Simply, it's more of knowing yourself from within by answering questions such as WHAT, WHERE and HOW. To tell you "It is a maxim to me that no man was ever written out of reputation but by himself". In the case of any government health insurance online reputation can be essential by getting feedbacks from their cutomers so-to-say. By this, they can easily find out which path to go in order to have some changes upon serving people in a better way.

Still confused? Let’s take a look at these EXAMPLES which I actually searched through one of the websites. This examples would show how online reputation can benefit most of us. Besides, every examples show some definitions on how it works:

One of the simplest and easiest ways to track something on the way, your reputation orotherwise, is to use Google Alerts. We know that this is one of the most familiar websites. With this free service, you can search either all of Google's properties, or you can specify that only News, Blogs, Web, Video, or Groups is searched. You can then configure the Alerts results to be emailed to you either as it happens, once a day, or once a week. There is also a page where you can edit the alerts once they are created or delete them when they are no longer in use.

To begin with, we'll look at Trackur. Online reputation monitoring doesn't have to be a complex, time-consuming task. With Trackur's sophisticated online reputation monitoring technology, you can easily deploy your own reputation tracking within minutes. You tell us the names, products, and brands that are vital to you and we'll scour millions of blogs, news sites, images, and videos for you. If your reputation is being discussed in the social media, Trackur will alert you. Use Trackur to warn you of an attack on your reputation, look for positive press coverage, or even monitor your competition!

Monitorthis is one of those browsers that will allow you to subscribe to any other sites. It'll link you to 22 different engines as easy as possible. By this, you could really spot the importance of online reputation.

Although Naymz is quite a bit less popular than LinkedIn it offers a great feature that LI does not. Naymz places an add in the paid section of the search results (see image below) which will add additional placement on the front page for your name and lead the reader back to another site that offers up quality relevant information about you. Your Naymz profile is also a great place to funnel people back to your other sites for more information as it lets you place links to other sites.and a lot more...

A couple of times every month I browse on over to Google and search for my own name to see what the results will bring. After I’ve done that, I type in the name of my website and run the search engine again.

SEARCH: Razilee Dizon

Checking your online reputation like this is something that every freelancer should do on a regular basis. I wouldn’t recommend stopping with Google, either. You should also check on Twitter and on other social media sites.

While it might seem vain to search for yourself online, it’s actually an important step in protecting your online reputation. If you do business online, then you not only be checking on but also working to protect and manage your online reputation. It may sound really simple but online reputation must be a big deal for everyone since almost half of our lives are spend on cyber space.

Fortunately for me, I haven’t experienced any severe complaints or untruthful information, although I often run across sites that have “borrowed” my work without asking. I share my personal name with several other individuals and a popular television character –- but fortunately that has not affected my freelancing career.

However, not all freelancers are so lucky. If you find that you do have a problem with your online reputation, then you have several options:

Ignore It. If you have a dissatisfied customer or find that someone has stolen your work or is spreading misinformation, you can look the other way. Perhaps the offending person will stop their activities or the plagiarist will take the stolen material down. If the complaint is minor or if the poster doesn’t look credible, ignoring the problem might be the best solution.

Confront It. Another option if you find that someone is posting negative information online is to confront the negative poster directly. Contact them and ask them why they posted what they did and ask what you can do to make it right. This approach can be particularly effective with former clients who have legitimate complaints with the service they received.

Get Help. If your problem is too large or you are facing a particularly aggressive onslaught of false information, then you should get professional help. There are companies that specialize in online reputation management services that range from monitoring your reputation to correcting misinformation to taking legal steps (if needed).