Guess it's no longer necessary to introduce my name since it happened to appear as you open my blog profile. As for some who doesn't know, I am a PERFECTIONIST but no way near perfect just as how I contradict the thought : "Nobody's perfect". To go further, I was, indeed, born on the 8th day on the second month. So as my zodiac sign says, I am very temperamental. I could sit outside all day if I ever had the time to – it’s just my way to somehow reflect and sort-out whatever is going-on in my mind. In fact, there’s no really ONE word that can describe the type of person I am and nothing I can say or write can show it either. I can tell you what I like and hate, then go from there though. My passion is singing. Yes, I’ve singed the age of 7 and came to really fall in love with it. It isn't obvious but I got to join several singing contests back when i was a youngster. I love writing -- guess it's my way of combining all my thoughts and ideas. Apparenty, if you may happen to ask, I do have my own livejournal account however some topics are confidential so I just made it private . Yes I admit, blogging is my only way to sort of express my thoughts and my only outlet whenever I get depress or whenever things get really hard for me to grip. Still, what do I get? Nothing. -_- So moving forward, I am a little odd at times, it’s just no fun to sit still in the same place and keep doing same things over and over. A little adventure is always nice and exploring new things great me, indeed. For me, making decision is one big thing that has to be prioritized thus I make sure every decision I make will soon lead me to success instead of FAILURE. I believe that everything happens for a REASON and everything has a purpose therefore GIVING UP is never a good option. Tomorrow might be another ray of HOPE..
So then, it’s my 4th year and 1st term in De LaSalle- Canlubang. I couldn’t imagine how time seemed to run really quick that next term would probably be the last term of my college years. Looking back, that is when before I get to college, I was thinking of getting myself isolated from the people in there. In a nut shell, I was so worried about being loner the whole term -- yet -- I had no choice but to build-up self confidence in order to face whatever challenges that might take place. Eventually, as I count up the remaining terms, I can say, "experience" is one thing I won’t forget and would possibly remember as I go along. Especially those times when most of our subjects required us to go to various companies for interview and also for business plan's purposes. Also, I remember during our market 1 class, how our days been such a hassle. We were simply asked to sell a product then must eventually make it profitable. As a result, we end up selling CupCorn for the remaining 7 weeks if i remember and those days had been really devastating. Yet, in return, we earn the highest profit out of hard-work. I won't forget all the memories and occurrences I've gone through during the entire semester. I met new friends, developed my communication skills - learned how to socialize with other people and -- all these experiences built-up my personality and made me turn-out into a better person...
Well actually, as I enrolled in DLSC, business management is not truly what I wanted and for you to know, it's just my second option since my first choice was in fact "Information Management". I had no choice, given that Information management has something to do with programming and to admit -- my knowledge is not for the course itself. Ever since in High School, I enjoy Math subjects. No doubt, I love analyzing and solving math problems no matter how complex the problems are. So, when I first heard of DATAMIN – first thing popped-out of my mind was data & programs just like database. That's when I started to feel uncomfortable on the subject matter yet when I heard the previous discussions we had in class, it's been a relief. So, to sum up everything and before I end my 1st blog post, i really hope to learn a lot and really could expand the ideas within data mining...